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Directions to reach us:

GPS coordinates: 46.766737 / 23.587993

The easiest way to find us is to ask for Saint Michael's Catholic Church. Walking up Universitatii Street, take the second right onto Potaissa street.

If you're coming from the railway station, take tram no. 101 or 102 and get off at Baritiu street (the second stop). From here, follow Regele Ferdinand street (formerly Gh. Goja) until you reach Saint Michael's Church. Another option is to take bus no. 9 at the train station and get off at the 3rd station, in the city center.

If you choose to take a taxi, please note that the average rate from the airport to the hostel is no more than 40 Lei or 25 lei if you are coming from the train station.

Airport pick-ups can be arranged for both groups and individuals.

Prior booking is highly recommended especially during the summer season!